
The Remington Group is proud of the clients with which we have worked. We have a vested interested in their success, not only as fund-raising partners but also as members of the communities these nonprofits serve.  Below is a partial list of our current and former partnerships.

Lorem ipsom

Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Awesome Team

Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Fun Facts

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Increase In Membership

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Our Clients

The Remington Group is proud of the clients with which we have worked. We have a vested interested in their success, not only as fund-raising partners but also as members of the communities these nonprofits serve. Below is a partial list of our current and former partnerships.

The Arts

The michigan opera theatre logo.
Michigan Opera Theatre
Visit Site
The museum of african history logo.
Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History
Visit Site
Detroit dso symphony logo.
Detroit Symphony Orchestra
Visit Site
The logo for the detroit science center.
Detroit Science Center
Visit Site
Detroit historical museum logo.
Detroit Historical Museum
Visit Site
The logo for the detroit institute of arts.
Detroit Institute of Arts
Visit Site
Ford community and performing arts center logo.
Ford Community and Performing Arts Center
Visit Site
The logo for motown museum.
Motown Museum
Visit Site
The henry ford logo.
The Henry Ford
Visit Site
Walter P. Chrysler Museum logo
Walter P.Chrysler Museum
Visit Site
Detroit public tv logo.
Detroit Public Television 
Visit Site
The automotive hall of fame logo.
Automotive Hall of Fame
Visit Site
Holocaust memorial center logo.
Holocaust Memorial Center
Visit Site

Civic & Community

The logo for acc.
Arab-American Chaldean Council
Visit Site
A blue hanukkah menorah on a white background.
B’nai B’rith International
Visit Site
Chadean community foundation logo.
Chaldean Community Foundation
Visit Site
Community foundation greater flint logo.
Community Foundation of Greater Flint
Visit Site
Michigan municipal league logo.
Dennis Archer Scholarship Fund
Visit Site
The detroit tricentennial logo.
Detroit 300 Conservancy
Visit Site
Degc logo on a white background.
Detroit Economic Growth Corporation
Visit Site
Detroit recreation foundation logo.
Detroit Recreation Foundation
Visit Site
Detroit regional chamber logo.
Detroit Regional Chamber
Visit Site
Detroit riverfront conservancy logo.
Detroit Riverfront Conservancy
Visit Site
A green cover with the words community foundation.
Greenways Initiative (CFSEM)
Visit Site
Junior achievement logo on a white background.
Junior Achievement
Visit Site
The logo for make it right.
Make It Right Foundation
Visit Site
Martin luther king jr memorial.
Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial
Visit Site
The michigan women's forum logo.
Michigan Women’s Foundation
Visit Site
2009 final four detroit logo.
NCAA Final Four 
Visit Site
Outdoor adventure center logo.
Outdoor Adventure Center
Visit Site
The usa hockey foundation logo.
USA Hockey
Visit Site
Profile picture for world wide shelters.
Worldwide Shelters
Visit Site
The xl super bowl logo on a white background.
Superbowl XL
Visit Site
Ncaa men's frozen four detroit logo.
Frozen Four
Visit Site
The parade company logo.
The Parade Company
Visit Site
The logo for the building industry association of southeast michigan.
Building Industry Association
Visit Site
Cchha logo with a hockey player in blue and white.
Central Collegiate Hockey Association
Visit Site
Michigan's iron bell trail logo.
Iron Belle Trail
Visit Site
The michigan veterans foundation logo.
Michigan Veterans Foundation
Visit Site
The michigan minority supplier development council logo.
Michigan Minority Supplier Development Council
Visit Site
The nvbdc logo with an eagle.
Belle isle conservancy logo.
Belle Isle Conservancy 
Visit Site

Education & Libraries

Alumni association university of michigan.
Alumni Association of the University of Michigan
Visit Site
The logo for beyond basics literacy is for everyone.
Beyond Basics
Visit Site
Bloomfield hills schools logo.
Bloomfield Hills Schools Foundation
Visit Site
Coleman a young foundation logo.
Coleman A. Young Foundation
Visit Site
The logo for eton academy.
Eton Academy
Visit Site
Profile picture for focus hope.
Focus: HOPE
Visit Site
The gpa logo on a white background.
Grosse Pointe Academy
Visit Site
A blue and white tile with a floral design.
Grosse Pointe Library
Visit Site
The imagine fund logo with the words advancing diversity in higher education.
Imagine Fund
Visit Site
Lawrence tech theory and practice logo.
Lawrence Technological University
Visit Site
Michigan education excellence foundation logo.
Michigan Education Excellence Foundation
Visit Site
The logo for the pontiac public library.
Pontiac Public Library
Visit Site
Project lead the way pltw logo.
Project Lead The Way
Visit Site
Wayne state university logo.
Wayne State University
Visit Site
Yeshiva beth yehudah logo.
Yeshiva Beth Yehudah
Visit Site
A brown and brown horse logo with the letter w.
Western Michigan University 

Visit Site

Green state university logo.
Bowling Green State University

 Visit Site

Concordia university logo on a white background.
Concordia University
Visit Site
Detroit public library logo.
Detroit Public Library
Visit Site
The university of detroit mercy logo.
University of Detroit Mercy 
Visit Site
The logo for the college of music at michigan state university.
Michigan State University – Community Music School Detroit 
Visit Site
The tfa logo on a white background.
Teach for America – Detroit  
Visit Site
Helping kids go to school logo.
Helping Kids Get to School
Visit Site

Healthcare & Aging

Hospice of michigan logo.
Hospice of Michigan
Visit Site
Make a wish michigan logo.
Visit Site
Kids kicking cancer logo.
Kids Kicking Cancer
Visit Site
Dmc detroit medical center logo.
Detroit Medical Center
Visit Site
Wvu rockefeller neuroscience institute logo.
Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute
Visit Site
Saint joseph mercy health system logo.
St. Joseph Mercy Health System
Visit Site
The logo for the mental illness research association.
Mental Illness Research Association
Visit Site
The national kidney foundation logo.
National Kidney Foundation
Visit Site
Barbara ann karmanos cancer institute logo.
Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute
Visit Site
The botsford logo on a white background.
Botsford Hospital
Visit Site
The logo for the wilmington house retirement and community foundation.
United Methodist Retirement Communities
Visit Site

Youth & Human Services

The ymca logo on a white background.
Ann Arbor YMCA
Visit Site
Boys & girls clubs of southeast michigan.
Boys & Girls Clubs of SE Michigan 
Visit Site
A child help logo with a dove on it.
Child Help
Visit Site
Common ground helping youth, adults and families in crisis.
Common Ground
Visit Site
Cots hope help housing logo.
COTS (Coalition on Temporary Shelter)
Visit Site
Drm detroit rescue mission ministries.
Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries
Visit Site
Habitat for humanity logo.
Habitat for Humanity Michigan
Visit Site
A black and white picture of a man and a woman.
Helping Heroes Thrive Foundation
Visit Site
Leaderdogs for the blind logo.
Leader Dogs For The Blind
Visit Site
A red heart in a circle on a white background.
Matrix Human Services
Visit Site
Metropolitan ymca logo.
Metropolitan YMCA
Visit Site
Michigan's children logo.
Michigan’s Children
Visit Site
Nso neighborhood service organization logo.
Neighborhood Service Organization
Visit Site
The children's center logo.
The Children’s Center
Visit Site
United way of kansas city - united way of kansas city - united way of kansas.
United Way Community Services
Visit Site
The logo for vista maria.
Vista Maria
Visit Site
The salvation army logo on a white background.
Salvation Army
Visit Site
Christ child society of detroit logo.
Christ Child Society of Detroit
Visit Site
The american red cross logo on a white background.
American Red Cross Visit Site
The logo for detroit pal.
Detroit PAL
Visit Site
Goodwill industries international, inc logo.
Visit Site
Holy cross services logo.
Holycross Services
Visit Site
The logo for tamarack camps.
Tamarack Camps
Visit Site
United way of kansas city - united way of kansas city - united way of kansas.
United Way For Southeastern Michigan
Visit Site
The Remington Group Logo On a White Background
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